Saturday, November 1, 2008

Third Week

Diatoms (Bacillariphyta)
These are still the most numerous organism in the aquarium.
These are a major group of Eukaryotes.
They belong to a group of heterokonts including autotrophs and heterotrophs.
The lack flagella.
They have chlorophyll a and c, and carotenoids. This gives them their yellow and brown colors.

Classification of Diatoms
Domain = Eukaryotes
Kingdom = Chromalveolata
Phylum = Heterokontophyta
Class = Bacillariophycaea


These are Eukaryotes.
Amoeba are single celled organisms with no fixed shape.
It moves by changing its shape, by extending and contracting its cell wall in areas known as pseudopods.
Amoeba are clear, and lack chlorophyll.
Amoeba are large, and even visible without a microscope.
My amoeba is larger than any other organism in my aquarium.

This was in the middle and close to the bottom of the aquarium.
I only saw one.

Domain = Eukaryota
Kingdom = Amoebozoa
Phylum = Tubulinea
Order = Tubulinida
Family = Amoebidae
Genus = Amoeba

Cook, Rebecca et al. “Unit 5: Respiration.” General Botany 111 Laboratory Manual. Page 110.
Wikipedia. "".
Wikipedia. "".

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