Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fifth Week

My aquarium hasn't changed much from last week. Although, I didn't see some organisms like the lachrymaria. And there is either a new rotifer or on old one that has changed appearance.

I was able to see the amoeba again. I saw it once on the second week and hadn't seen it again since then. It doesn't seem to have grown larger.

I saw the usual rotifer, and a new one that looked just like it except it had longs spikes all over its back. The spikes were roughly the length of its body, and were curved. My instructor said he had never seen one like it before. It moves in the same manner as the one I've seen before without the spikes.

I only saw one of these again. I tapped on the slide again and it retracted like before. It has cilia in a ring around what I assume to be the mouth, that appear to spin. It was stationary, and appeared to be attached to a plant.

There were many of them in my aquarium. They looked green in color. They are always moving which makes it hard to keep up with them. They are found all over the aquarium. They are green and contain chlorophyll.

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